Local Partners
When Jesus was telling his disciples what they must do after his resurrection, he told them to start right where they were...Jerusalem. In essence, He said, "lift up your eyes and look around you. There are people right here that need to be loved."
Therefore, our community outreach starts with where we are. It is as simple as walking across the room or across the curb. We look into our community to see the needs and strive to help people right here. Here are some of the ways that we are loving our community right now.
Hope Pregnancy Center
We participate in the annual baby bottle fund raiser for Hope Pregnancy Center in Cheshire Ct. Their vision is be "a safe and caring place for women before, during and after an unplanned pregnancy to receive help, information, and hope!"
North Haven Food Council
The North Haven Food Council serves the North Haven Community by providing Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes for families in our community that find themselves in need during the holiday season. We provide Turkeys as well as dairy products, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and non perishable food items. We have a representative on the council that meet from September through January. We have a large food drive at our church in November to collect food. We pick up food from community drop off location, help prepare for the food delivery and help deliver the items to families in need. We work in conjunction will the other churches in North Haven to meet this need in our community.
Benevolent Projects
The projects are on a need basis. They may include helping someone with a work project around the house or helping them with a financial need. Our church strives to meet as many of these needs as possible, however, it is impossible to meet the needs of everyone who asks. We seek the direction of the Lord on which projects to accept.