Bible Study Resources

Right Now Media Membership
Our church believes that RightNow Media is a tool that can help you live out your faith in every area of your life—at home, at work, and in your community. In addition to series on books of the Bible, RightNow Media has videos for everyone in your family on a variety of topics like marriage, parenting, personal finances, mental health, and more. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. RightNow Media has a free app that’s available on all major streaming devices so you and your family can access content anywhere, anytime.
YouVersion Bible App
It's hard to stay centered on God and his Word. That's why the free YouVersion Bible app gives you tools to seek God's heart daily: listen to audio Bibles, create players, study with friends, explore 2000+ Bible versions, and much more.
Ask Pastor Mike to be added to the church "read through the Bible in a year" reading plan and read the scripture with your church family.

The Bible Project (Online)
BibleProject is a nonprofit, crowdfunded organization that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone everywhere.
"We believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. This diverse collection of ancient books overflows with wisdom for our modern world. As we let the biblical story speak for itself, we believe the message of Jesus will transform individuals and entire communities."